Classroom activities Online Resources

March 2020: Resources to take your classes online

  • Are you wondering how you are going to reach your students virtually?
  • Do you need to add to your virtual materials bag of tricks?
  • Do you need a new geospatial resource for your classroom? 

1. NASA GIS/Remote Sensing Subject Matter Expert Webinar for Higher Education (3/23/2020 1:00 EST)

2. Getting started with GIS

3. Education Companies offering free subscriptions to online content

4. Mystery Science K-5

5. Directions Mag Webinar Teaching with GIS

6. Esri GeoInquiries

7. GISetc Free resources

8. Open Sci Ed – some online simulations

9. AZ Geographic Alliance lesson plans

10. AZ Geographic Alliance more online resources

11. AZ Geographic Alliance world regions (some do require Flash)

12. Infiniscope online resources

13. Nasa eClips

14. STEM Activity clearinghouse

Classroom activities Online Resources training

Moving coursework online?

Are you in need of some help? Please join the Power of Data Team during our open office hours. We will be here to answer your questions and provide some suggestions and resources. The meetings will be recorded and posted on Feel free to submit questions anytime to

Open Office Hours

  • Friday, April 3, at 10a Pacific/1p Eastern
  • Wednesday, April 8, at 9a Pacific/noon Eastern

If you missed it, check out the Open Office Hours for recordings.

Classroom activities Online Resources

February 2020: 3 Surefire Resources to Jumpstart Your Geospatial Classroom

  • Are you wondering how to leverage what you learned so far with your POD workshops?
  • Do you need to brush up on your GIS skills?
  • Do you need a new geospatial resource for your classroom? 

1.          High-impact GIS projects in 45 seconds or less (Free)

2.          Having trouble finding Analysis tools in ArcGIS Online?  (Free)

  • User must be logged into an Organization account (Free to schools)
  • User must have the Role of Publisher
  • Additional instructions in Facilitator/User Guides Sec. 5 Pg. 11

3.          Esri State ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition for Students (Prizes for students)

News Blast: Stay tuned for the new POD-STEM website – It’s close! Contact if you need any documents before the new release

Article – Scaling Professional Development: Preparing professional development providers to lead Power of Data Teacher Workshops Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C., & Arendt, K. (2019)
Classroom activities Online Resources updates

October 2019: 3 Surefire Resources to Jumpstart Your Geospatial Classroom

  • Are you wondering how to leverage what you learned so far with your POD workshops?
  • Do you need to brush up on your GIS skills?
  • Do you need a new geospatial resource for your classroom?
  1. A new (Free) web course is now available
    • GIS Basics – ArcGIS Pro 2.4 (Basic) ad ArcGIS Online
    • Understand fundamental components and capabilities of GIS
    • 2 Hours, 35 Minutes
  2. Esri GIS Education webinar series for classrooms (Free)
    • Session 1 – Introduction to the World GeoInquiries – October 23, 2019
    • Session 2 – Exploring Research Surveys to Story Maps – November 6, 2019
  3. Undercover Mapper (Free)
    • Two pages of activities that give your students a fun tour of ArcGIS Online tools
    • Use with Esri GeoInquiries or just start mapping!
  4. News Blast: POD Article accepted by Science Teachers Magazine


New Facilitators Ready to Offer POD Teacher Workshops

In June of 2017, the second POD Facilitation Academy was held in Flagstaff, AZ. We are pleased to report that this outstanding group of Facilitators helped make the Academy a great success. Their combined experience teaching, leading professional development and utilizing GIS to enhance instruction made for enthusiastic collaboration.

We engaged in an example Geospatial Inquiry around natural hazards and risk, explored pedagogical moves that can support Geospatial Inquiry, considered unique implications for implementation of Geospatial Inquiry in secondary classrooms, and explored ways to enhance a myriad of lessons in multiple subject areas using Geospatial Inquiry. Finally, we discussed professional development facilitation strategies. Evenings were filled with field trips to Lowell Observatory, the US Geological Survey Astrogeology Field Center, and of course, the Grand Canyon.

2017 POD Facilitators

Facilitators are offering POD Teacher Workshops across the country. To find a POD Teacher Workshop near you, join our mailing list. 

Since this is a design-based research project with the goal of seeing how the POD professional development model transfers to new contexts, we will engage in multiple improvement cycles. We have revised and continue to improve the POD Teacher Workshops based on Facilitator feedback. We look forward to collecting and analyzing data on the Teacher Workshops, implementation of lessons in secondary classrooms, and the impact of the project on student attitudes toward STEM and geospatial technology careers through 2019. Please visit often for research updates.

Please email with any questions!


POD Facilitation Academy Article in Directions Magazine

Check out the article written by Megan Walker and Lori Rubino-Hare at



Now Accepting Applications for 2017 POD Facilitation Academy

We are excited to announce we are accepting applications for 2017 POD Facilitation Academy which will occur June 19-23, 2017 in Flagstaff. Applications and recommendation forms are due February 15, 2017. Teams of facilitators are especially encouraged to apply. Find out about the benefits and requirements here.

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff


First Arizona GIS in Education User Conference May 5-6, 2017 in Flagstaff

In conjunction with the GEOCACHE project We’re planning the first ever Arizona GIS in Education User Conference in Flagstaff, Arizona May 5-6, 2017. We hope to celebrate success and identify challenges and problems of practice so we can move forward with getting GIS into schools and higher education courses.

More details to come, but save the dates!



First POD Facilitation Academy a Great Success

In July of 2016, we held our first POD Facilitation Academy in Flagstaff, Arizona. We are pleased to report that this outstanding group of Facilitators helped make the Academy a great success. Their combined experience teaching, leading professional development and utilizing GIS made for enthusiastic collaboration.

We engaged in an example Geospatial Inquiry around natural hazards and risk, explored pedagogical moves that can support Geospatial Inquiry, considered benefits and challenges to implementation of Geospatial Inquiry in secondary classrooms, supports for teachers to overcome barriers. Finally, we explored ways to enhance a myriad of lessons in multiple subject areas using Geospatial Inquiry.geospatial_graphic_72dpi POD Facilitators are currently planning their first POD Teacher Workshops across the country. To find a POD Teacher Workshop near you, join our mailing list. 

Since this is a design based research project with the goal of seeing how the POD professional development model transfers to new contexts, we will engage in multiple improvement cycles. We are currently revising our POD Guides and Academy based on Facilitator feedback and developing and validating the research instruments.

We will soon be recruiting 15 exceptional professional development coordinators, science/STEM curriculum coordinators, college faculty, and any individuals who support teachers on a regular basis to apply to attend our new and improved POD Facilitation Academy to learn to replicate POD Teacher Workshops across the nation.  It will be held in Flagstaff, Arizona, June 19-23, 2017. Sign up to be notified when the application goes live.

Please email with any questions!



Our Contribution to the CITE Special Issue: Geospatial Techologies in Teacher Education

We’re excited about our contribution to the special Geospatial Technologies in Teacher Education issue of the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) Journal. We followed teachers one to two years beyond POD Teacher workshops to see what teaching practices and tools they continued to use (or not) and why after the formal PD support ended.