- Are you wondering how to leverage what you learned so far with your POD workshops?
- Do you need to brush up on your GIS skills?
- Do you need a new geospatial resource for your classroom?
1. High-impact GIS projects in 45 seconds or less (Free)
- Turn address into points on a map in seconds
- Renter density in 45
- Build a mobile app in under 45 seconds https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-online/mapping/inagif/
2. Having trouble finding Analysis tools in ArcGIS Online? (Free)
- User must be logged into an Organization account (Free to schools)
- User must have the Role of Publisher
- Additional instructions in Facilitator/User Guides Sec. 5 Pg. 11
- http://esriurl.com/agoorgsforschools
3. Esri State ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition for Students (Prizes for students)
- U.S. high school (gr.9-12) and middle school (gr.4-8) divisions
- Check link for map of state competition coordinators https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/70cb6f2ba85f4dd183f2e1eb72fc7a86
News Blast: Stay tuned for the new POD-STEM website – It’s close! Contact podstemnau@gmail.com if you need any documents before the new release
Article – Scaling Professional Development: Preparing professional development providers to lead Power of Data Teacher Workshops Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C., & Arendt, K. (2019)