Publications and Presentations

Rubino-Hare, L., Whitworth, B. A., Boateng, F., & Bloom, N. (2023). The impact of Geospatial Inquiry lessons on student interest in science and technology careers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 12. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21904

Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Boateng, F., Hamlin, A., Bloom, N., & Nolan, E. (2022). Teacher enactment of Geospatial Inquiry in classrooms following scaled professional learning and development. International Journal of Science Education, 44(3), 379-415. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2022.2030073

Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Boateng, F., Nolan, E., Bloom, N., & Manone, M. (In Review). Examining professional learning and development designed to support Geospatial Inquiry and geospatial technology skills.

Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., & Nolan, E. (2022).  Scaling professional development: Integrity of implementation as a measurement approach. Science Educator, 28(2), 75-85.

Whitworth, B. A., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C., & Arendt, K. (2019). Scaling professional development: Preparing professional development providers to lead Power of Data Teacher Workshops. International Journal of Science Education. 42(1), 1-24. 

Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N.E., Nolan, E., Whitworth, B.A. (2019). Enhancing instruction through the Power of Data and Geospatial Inquiry. A presentation for the annual meeting of American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

Whitworth, B. A., Nolan, E., Rubino-Hare, L., Manone, M., & Bloom, N., (2019). Examining professional development designed to support geospatial inquiry implementation.  A paper for the annual meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR. 

Nolan, E., Whitworth, B. A., & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2019, November 1). A lesson in Geospatial Inquiry. The Science Teacher, 87(4), 26–33. 4

Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N. & Whitworth, B. (2019). Implications from a scale up of geospatial technology professional development program for secondary teachers. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1348-1353). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved March 26, 2019 from

Manone, M., Rubino-Hare, L., Whitworth, B.A., Nolan, E., Bloom, N. (2019). Power of Data project – Improving teaching and learning using data enhanced Geospatial Inquiry. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Denver, CO.

Whitworth, B. A., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C., & Rubino-Hare, L. (2018). Training the trainers: Designing the Power of Data Facilitation Academies. A poster for the annual meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Education, Baltimore, MD.

Rubino-Hare, L. & Croson, S. (2018). Two steps toward geospatial inquiry: Incorporating geospatial thinking in any subject. A poster for the annual conference of International Society for Technology Education. Chicago, IL. 

Bloom, N., Rubino-Hare, L., Whitworth, B. (2018). Findings from a scale-up of geospatial technology integrated professional development. A poster for the annual National Council for Geographic Education Conference. Quebec City, Canada.

Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., Whitworth, B.A. (2017). Using the Power of Data to increase student engagement with geospatial technology and careers. A poster for the International Cartographic Conference, Washington, D.C. 

Rubino-Hare, L., & Walker, M. (2017). POD program fuels student enthusiasm for STEM and GIS. Directions Magazine.

Whitworth, B. A., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C. & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2017). Power of Data Facilitation Academy: Designing facilitator professional development. A paper for the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, TX. 

Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., Bielefeldt, T., Blevins, K., Manone, M. (2017).  Using ISTE Standards to improve a PBL/geospatial technology professional learning program. A poster for the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education, San Antonio, TX.

Rubino-Hare, L., & Walker, M. (2017). POD program fuels student enthusiasm for STEM and GIS. Blog post for Directions Magazine, an online geospatial industry publication.

Whitworth, B. A., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C. & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2017). Power of Data Facilitation Academy: Designing facilitator professional development.. National Association for Research in Science Teaching. San Antonio, TX.

Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., Whitworth, B.A. (2017). Using the Power of Data to increase student engagement with geospatial technology and careers. A poster for the International Cartographic Conference, Washington, D.C.

Whitworth, B. A., Walker, M. C., Bloom, N. E. & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2017).  Training the trainers: Designing the first Power of Data Facilitation Academy.  A poster for the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Des Moines, Iowa.

Whitworth, B. A., Bloom, N. E., Walker, M. C. & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2016).  Power of Data Facilitation Academy: Designing facilitator professional development.  A paper for the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, TX.

Whitworth, B. A., Walker, M. C., Bloom, N. E. & Rubino-Hare, L. A. (2016).  Training the trainers: Designing the first Power of Data Facilitation Academy.  A poster for the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Des Moines, Iowa.

Rubino-Hare, L., Whitworth, B., Bloom, N., Claesgens, J., Fredrickson, K., Henderson-Dahms, C. & Sample, J.C. (September, 2016). Persistent teaching practices after geospatial technology professional development. Contemporary Issues in Technology Education 16(3).

Bycott, S., Hood, D., Rubino-Hare, L. (2016). Transform science courses using student-centered, project-based strategies and GIS technology. Arizona Science Teachers Association. Phoenix, AZ.

Rubino-Hare, L., & Whitworth, B., (January, 2016). The power of data: Preparing the geospatial workforce of tomorrow. Presented at 21st Century STEM: Integrate to Innovate Conference. Phoenix, AZ.

Rubino-Hare, L., & Clark, J. (November, 2015). Power of Data – Geospatial Tools for 21st Century Skills. Presented at Arizona Science Teachers Association Ready, Set, Science! Phoenix, AZ.

Rubino-Hare, L., Clark, J. (November, 2015). Why Do You Think So? Asking Effective Questions in Engineering Activities. Presented at Arizona Science Teachers Association Ready, Set, Science! Phoenix, AZ.

Manone, M., Rubino-Hare, L., Blevins, K., (July, 2015). From Power of Data to GEOCACHE. Esri Education User Conference. San Diego, CA.

Rubino-Hare, L., Kesler, K. (November, 2014). Engaging students in PBL using mobile devices in the field: Gather, analyze and interpret spatial data in ArcGIS Online. Presentation at the Arizona Science Teachers’ Association Conference, Let’s Build Science! Phoenix, AZ

Claesgens, J., Rubino-Hare, L., Bloom, N., Fredrickson, K., Henderson-Dahms, C., Menasco, J. Sample, J.C.  (2013). Professional development integrating technology: Does delivery format matter? Science Educator22(1), 10-18.

Rubino-Hare, L. and Clark, J. (October, 2013). Using the power of data and PBI to enhance science instruction. 2013. Arizona Science Teachers Association (ASTA) Conference, Be Inspired! Learning Today for the Future. Phoenix, AZ.

Rubino-Hare, L., Claesgens, J., Bloom, N., Fredrickson, K., Henderson-Dahms, C., Sample, J.C. (April, 2013). Investigating what pedagogical practices persist when professional learning institutes end. Presented at the 2013 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Fredrickson, K. & Rubino-Hare, L. (December, 2012). GIS:  Is it the last piece of the STEM puzzle? Presented at the National Science Teachers Association Phoenix Area Conference on Science Education. Phoenix, AZ.

Rubino-Hare, L., Claesgens, J., Fredrickson, K., Bloom, N., Henderson-Dahms, C., Sample, J.C., Manone, M. (July 2012). Beyond professional learning institutes: Sustaining best practices teaching with GST. Presentation at the annual Esri Education User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Rubino-Hare, L., Sample, J., Fredrickson, K., Claesgens, J., Bloom, N., Henderson-Dahms, C., Manone, M. (April 2012). The Power of Data Projects at Northern Arizona University.

Claesgens, J., Rubino-Hare, L., Fredrickson, K., Bloom, N., Henderson-Dahms, C., Sample, J.C., Manone, M. (March, 2012). Professional development integrating technology – Does delivery format matter? Presentation at the 2012 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Rubino-Hare, L, Fredrickson, K., Bloom, N., Claesgens, J., Sample, J.  (July, 2011) Claims and evidence: Teaching teachers to assess learning using ArcGIS. Presentation at the annual ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Fredrickson, K., Rubino-Hare, L., Henderson-Dahms, C., Bloom, N. (July 2011) GIS teacher professional development: Does delivery format make a difference? Presentation at the annual ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Rubino-Hare, L. and Fredrickson, K. (March, 2011). Harnessing the power of data: Using GIS and problem based instruction to promote STEM. Presentation at the Microcomputers in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.

Claesgens, J., Fredrickson, K., Rubino-Hare, L. (March 2011). Professional development programs employing geospatial technologies and problem based instruction to promote scientific inquiry. Two sessions presented at the NSTA Research and Dissemination Conference, San Francisco, CA.