Lori Rubino-Hare
Principal Investigator
Lori Rubino-Hare, M.Ed., is a Research Associate at the Center for Science Teaching and Learning at NAU. She was the Principal Investigator for the NSF-funded Expanding Geospatial Technology Career Development for High School Students Through Teacher Professional Development: The Power of Data Project (DRL#1513287), NSF ATE (DUE# 1304872), Science Foundation Arizona Math and Science Achievement Grant (MSAG #0412-09), and Co-PI for NSF ITEST (DRL #0929846) and NGS 4 Corners Project, all of which provided professional development on teaching with GIS to educators.
Mark Manone
Principal Investigator
Mark Manone, M.A., is the Chair of the Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation at Northern Arizona University and the Director of the Geospatial Research and Information Lab (GRAIL). He was the Principal Investigator for the National Geographic Society-funded Power of Data Online 4 Corners Project and Co-PI of the NSF-funded programs. Prior to his career in academia, Mark spent fifteen years working in Grand Canyon as a research scientist and field surveyor. Currently, his research is focused on geoscience education through the National Science Foundation Power of Data Project. Mark teaches a broad range of classes using geospatial technology from introductory level Mapping the World to senior level Capstone Design.
Dr. Nena Bloom
Nena Bloom, Ed. D., was the evaluation Coordinator of CSTL. Ms. Bloom has been an evaluator at NAU since 2007 and has served as an evaluator on a number of NSF-sponsored STEM education initiatives and state-funded STEM PD programs for teachers.
Anita M. Palmer
Anita Palmer, B.S., is the president and owner of Critical Think Inc., dba GISetc that has been an education business partner of Esri since 2001. As co-author of the original Mapping our World: GIS Lessons for Educators book and subsequent editions and revisions over the past twelve years, she has developed the exemplar materials for GIS integration in the 6-12 classroom. She collaborated in 2000 to develop a week-long summer institute model for GIS integration into the K-12 GIS classroom and subsequently published a nationally recognized five-year survey and article on PD best practices predicated on that training model with Kerski and Baker. Anita Palmer is recognized in the field for her work as a trainer for the Teachers Teaching Teachers (T3G) institute on the Esri campus since 2009 to current.